DEKAs all-in-one medical vitamins. Helping patients to improve their vitamin absorption.


DEKAs for patients with Cystic Fibrosis.
A variety of all-in-one medical vitamins for different age groups.*

DEKAs Plus Liquid

The non-oily peach-mango flavored liquid is pleasant to take for babies and children from 0 - 3 years and anyone who doesn't like to take Tablets or capsules. Also contains minerals, antioxidants and vitamins B & C.

DEKAs Plus Chewable tablets

Peach flavored chewable tablets for patients from the age of 4 years. Also contain minerals, antioxidants and vitamins B & C.

DEKAs Plus Softgels

Chocolate coloured softgels suitable for patients from the age of 4 years. High in vitamin D3. Also contain minerals antioxidants and vitamins B & C.

DEKAs Plus Liquid

The non-oily peach-mango flavored liquid is pleasant to take for babies and children from 0 - 3 years and anyone who doesn't like to take Tablets or capsules. Also contains minerals, antioxidants and vitamins B & C.

DEKAs Plus Chewable tablets

Peach flavored chewable tablets for patients from the age of 4 years. Also contain minerals, antioxidants and vitamins B & C.

DEKAs Plus Softgels
Chocolate coloured softgels suitable for patients from the age of 4 years. High in vitamin D3. Also contain minerals antioxidants and vitamins B & C.
DEKAs Essential Capsules

Small capsules containing only the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E & K. Contain no minerals, antioxidants or vitamins B & C.

* The product should be taken under medical supervision

Complete coverage of all 4 fat-soluble vitamins in Cholestatic Liver Disease
through enhanced absorption with TPGS (tocofersolan).*

DEKAs Aqua-E
Neutral tasting non-oily liquid. Contains highly absorbable water-soluble vitamin E (as tocofersolan or TPGS).
DEKAs Essential Liquid
Berry flavored liquid Highly concentrated all-in-one combination of vitamins D, E (as tocofersolan or TPGS), K and A.
* The product should be taken under medical supervision

After Bariatric surgery you need extra vitamins and minerals. DEKAs Bariatric
delivers them in just one tablet per day.*

* The product is subject to medical supervision.